2024 Sermons (see the boxes below for previous year)

  • 12.31.23 "Right Perspectives for a New Year" - 1Peter 1:3-9 - In these difficult times, what perspectives should we as believers have as we look toward 2024? v3 - Our living hope is salvation in Jesus Christ. v4 - Our place in heaven has been permanently reserved. v5 - Our salvation is kept by the power of God & can't be lost. v6 - We greatly rejoice because of the great truths in v3-5. v7 - As our faith is tested, we need to praise & glorify the Lord. v8 - We love & rejoice in the Lord even though we have not literally seen Him. v9 - We look forward to the end of our faith on earth & the beginning of our eternal life in heaven.27:06
  • 12.24.23 "Jesus - the Very First Christmas Gift" - Matt 2:1-6, Isaiah 9:6, Micah 5:2 - Jesus is the Son of God (John 1:1,14; Philip 2:6-8; Matt 1:23) and Destroyer of Satan (Hebrews 2:14, 1John 3:8). God first revealed Jesus' birth to lowly shepherds (Luke 2:8-14). Titus 3:5, Philip 2:9-11, 1John 1:9, & Romans 10:13 point to Jesus Christ being the first & greatest Christmas gift because He provides for salvation for all who confess their sins and put their faith in Him.27:51
  • 12.17.23 "Glory to the New-Born King" Christmas Program - Hebrews 11:6 says "Without faith it is impossible to please Him." God wants our faith in Him. Is there room in your heart for a relationship with Jesus Christ?37:36
  • 12.10.23 "The Gentle & Lowly King" - Isaiah 42:1-7, 9:6 - Christmas is about celebrating the birth of a King. But the Lord Jesus Christ is not just portrayed as the King of kings. He is also a servant that came in a spirit of gentleness & genuine humility. We now worship the King & Servant as our Savior. Is He ruling your heart? Are you serving Him?31:57
  • 12.03.23 "Despised & Rejected" - Psalm 22:15-21 - Psalm 22:14-18 describes crucifixion before it was invented as a method of execution, & the entire Psalm prophesies Jesus' experience on the cross. Of all the wicked atrocities against humans, there was none more wicked than Jesus Christ being crucified, simply because He is sinless, perfect, holy God! But Jesus' apparent defeat became the greatest victory through Jesus' shed blood & resurrection that is able to cleanse sin & forgive sinners!30:37
  • 11.19.23 "Totally Unworthy” - Luke 15:17-24 - Genuine thankfulness is an attitude of gratitude. And gratitude is an understanding of one's unworthiness of a blessing received at someone else's expense. Thanksgiving for believers in Jesus Christ begins with being eternal grateful for our salvation, which we were not worthy to be given, neither did we have the capability to earn it!32:35
  • 11.12.23 "Philadelphia: Saved from Wrath!” - Revelation 3:7-10; 1Thess 1:10, 5:1-11; Rev 4:1 - The Lord Jesus has only positive things to say about the Philadelphia church. Our focus is on Rev 3:10, "I will keep thee from the hour of temptation." This refers to the 7-year Tribulation period when God pours out His wrath on this sinful world. Thankfully, "God hath not appointed us to wrath" (1Thess 5:9) and all believers will be raptured before the Tribulation begins.31:15
  • 11.05.23 "At the Cross, At the Cross" - Psalm 22:11-15 - Psalm 22 is a prophecy of Christ's sufferings on the cross. King David wrote the Psalm due to troubles in his life, but it also describes crucifixion, the Roman form of agonizing execution. Christ's agony on the cross is the most significant event in history since it gives lost sinners a Savior!28:26
  • 10.29.23 "Sardis: The Church with Defiled Garments” - Revelation 3:4-6 - Today's verses help us understand 3 types of people in any church: those who are unsaved & need salvation, those who are saved but are still living in sin, and those who are saved & faithful to their Lord by trying to live a sinless life. Don't be a nominal Christian (or a Christian in name only & spiritually dead). It is important for every believer to understand that God's Word emphasizes living Godly, Christ-like lives.27:55
  • 10.22.23 "Sardis: The Nominal Church” - Revelation 3:1-3 - The Lord Jesus has nothing good to say about the Sardis church. To the things of God, they had become nominal, or "in name only" and "without genuineness." Let's be aware of the spiritual condition we and our church are in. Live for the Lord according to His Word and earnestly desire to be more like Christ in every area of our lives.29:57
  • 10.15.23 "Thyatira: The Church with a Jezebel Problem” - Revelation 2:18-29 - Jesus Christ first commends the Thyatira church in v19 for their works, love, service, & faith. The Lord then criticizes the church for allowing wickedness to infect the church as represented by the name Jezebel. Christ tells the church to take sin seriously. Idolatry and sexual impurity are not to be tolerated. Follow the Lord faithfully & obey His Word!30:27
  • 10.08.23 "Pergamos: Compromise and Complacency" - Rev 2:14-16, Rom 12:1-2, Titus 2:11-12, 1John 2:15-17, 2Cor 6:14-7:1 - Some of the attendees of the Pergamos church were beginning to compromise on what God's Word says about staying away from idolatry & fornication. We as Christians cannot compromise our testimony in Christ by allowing sin in our life. Wordliness can infect the heart of believers and good, Bible-believing churches. The way to to protect ourselves against compromise & complacency is to know God's Word and obey God's Word!40:14
  • 10.01.23 "Revelations of the Savior" - Psalm 22:1-10; Matt 27:45-46; Isa 53:3; Matt 27:27-30; Matt 27:39-43 - Psalm 22 is a prophetic & stunning revelation of Jesus Christ's agony upon the cross. The central theme of the Bible is Jesus Christ -- crucified, risen, & coming again! Do you see & understand Christ's work on the cross as it was prophesied in the Old Testament and fulfilled in the New Testament? Call upon Him now as your Savior!33:25
  • 09.24.23 "Pergamos: A Love for the World” - Revelation 2:12-17 - The Lord Jesus first commends the Pergamos church that "holdest fast My Name and has not denied My faith" (v13). He then addresses problems in the church with false doctrine that compromises with the world. The message for all time is REPENT! Do NOT compromise with the sinful world! Be faithful to God's Word and the reward will be blessings for eternity!36:29
  • 09.17.23 "Smyrna: Very Poor But Very Rich" - Rev 2:8-11 - Smyrna was the church that was financially poor, but spiritually, the church was rich! The Lord had nothing to say negatively about this church; His words were only of commendation & encouragement. As believers, we may face persecution by the world, so be ready to suffer for the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Pray for spiritual strength & boldness to live for Him!36:48
  • 09.10.23 "How to Lighten Your Burden" - Matthew 11:25; Acts 4:13; Matt 11:26; Ps 119:10; Matt 7:7-8; Matt 11:27; John 14:6-9; Matt 11:28; John 10:27-29, 6:37; Matt 11:29-30; 1Cor 10:13 - God hides spiritual smarts from those who seek worldly wisdom, but He reveals Biblical wisdom to children and those with child-like faith. For those who are weary with many burdens, Jesus Christ will give you rest, first by providing free salvation. For Christians, Jesus gives us strength to live for Him.27:19
  • 09.03.23 "Repentance" - Luke 13:1-5; Ps 66:18; Acts 14:13-15; 1Thess 1:9; Ezek 18:30-32; Acts 17:30; Rev 2:5,16 & 3:3; Acts 11:18; 2Tim 2:24-26; Matt 9:13; 2Cor 7:9-10; Acts 2:37-38, 3:19, 8:20-22; Prov 28:13; Luke 15:7,10; Matt 3:1-2,8; Acts 26:20 - Repentance is very important in our relationship with God. First we repent when we put our faith in Jesus Christ, meaning we confess that we are sinners, turn away from sin, & turn to God. Then throughout our Christian life, "if we confess our sins, He (God) is faithful & just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness" (1John 1:9).26:30
  • 08.27.23 "The Warning & the Promise" - Revelation 2:1-7, 1John 5:4-5 - In v5, the Lord Jesus warns He "will remove thy candlestick...except thou repent." Bible-believing churches must remain faithful to God's Word or Jesus could remove the power of the Holy Spirit from the church, rendering it spiritually dead. In v7, the overcomers are those who accept Jesus Christ as Savior, giving us the power to overcome this sinful world as we live out our life in Christ daily.38:38
  • 08.20.23 "The Believer's Declaration of Faith" - Romans 1:16; 2Tim 1:12; 1Cor 15:1-4; Matt 28:19; Acts 2:38, 3:19, 16:30-31; Rom 10:9-11; Eph 2:8-9 - Baptism is far more than a Christian tradition. It is a public declaration of one's faith in Jesus Christ for salvation. When you experience the joy of being forgiven by God's grace and entering into a relationship with Jesus Christ, you should have a desire to declare this life-changing events to others, in baptism and every day after!32:03
  • 08.13.23 "Love That Slips Away" - Revelation 2:1-5 - Chapter 2 starts the letters sent to seven churches in Asia Minor, the first letter going to Ephesus. After some compliments, Jesus Christ criticizes the Ephesians for leaving their first love, which is their intensity & quality of love for Christ. Let's repent if we've lost our zeal for God, and let's intensify our love for the Lord Jesus by reading His Word, praying, & serving Him.34:18
  • 08.06.23 "Neutral You Cannot Be" - Matthew 27:11-26 - During Jesus' trial prior to His death, the governor Pontius Pilate did not want to take sides. Pilate knew that Jesus was innocent, but still sent Jesus to be crucified. What have you decided about receiving Jesus Christ as your Savior? Remember that ignoring Jesus and thinking that you can be neutral is in essence rejecting Him.28:40
  • 07.23.23 "The Biblical Basis of Missions-Pt2" - Romans 10:13-15 - We as a church have a responsibility to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ to those in our immediate area and to those who are beyond our reach. Our passage says "how shall they hear [the gospel] without a preacher?" and "how shall they preach, except they be sent?" It is a joy and a blessing for Bethel Baptist Church to support & send missionaries around the world to teach the Word of God.29:01
  • 07.16.23 "The Ultimate Authority of Jesus Christ" - Rev 1:17-20, Luke 12:4-5 - Too many people in our society have a low view of Jesus Christ, seeing Him as no more than a nice guy or a casual buddy. When the Apostle John encountered the Lord, he "fell at His feet as dead"(v17). Likewise, we should be awestruck when we come into Christ's presence as we worship, read the Bible, pray, & serve Him.36:11
  • 07.09.23 "The Glory of Jesus Christ" - Revelation 1:9-16 - John is on the island of Patmos, where he's been banished by the Roman gov't for preaching God's Word, and is given a vision of the glorified Jesus Christ. Jesus is the Son of man Who loved us & gave His life for us. He is now in heaven as the Son of God & Great High Priest making intercession for us as believers. Let's take time in our busy schedules to worship Jesus for Who He is and to praise Him for what He has done for us.45:40
  • 07.02.23 "The Philosophy of Me" - John 13:1-15, 2Tim 3:1-2, Rom 10:17 - This passage is one of the most spiritually beautiful & profound passages concerning selflessness & self-sacrifice, which is the opposite of me-ism, which has become a rampant disease in America & abroad. The Creator God of the universe washed the feet of mortal sinners! Jesus even washed the betrayer Judas' feet! The prevalent philosophy in the world today is a self-centered self-worth, self-love, & self-worship. The only hope is the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the One Who is truly selfless and the One Who sacrificed Himself for our sins, so that if we believe in Jesus, we will be forgiven.36:53
  • 06.25.23 "Man Was Created to Worship & Please God" - Eccl 12:13; Is 43:7,21; ICor 10:31; Eph 2:10; ITim 6:18-19; Ps 8:1; Ps 9:1-2; Ps 33:1; Ps 34:1; Ps 92:1; Ps 98:1-2; Ps 100:1-5; Jonah 1:1-3,3:1-10; Act 9:1-9,18:5; IICor 11:24-30; Jer 20:7-9,14-15; Ex 3:11; Ex 4:1,10,13; Matt 28:19-20 - A Christian's goal in life is to exalt the name of the Lord, glorify & worship Him, and serve Him faithfully.30:14
  • 06.18.23 "Intro to Father's Day Service" - Joshua 1:7 - Men & fathers need to obey the Word of God and use their God-given abilities to lead.10:57
  • 06.18.23 "Our Glorious, Loving, and Eternal Savior, Jesus Christ" - Rev 1:4-8, Zech 12:10 - Verses 5 & 6 give an amazing description of Jesus Christ as "the faithful witness", "the first begotten of the dead", and "the prince." Verses 7 & 8 remind us of the second coming of Christ as the "Alpha & Omega, the beginning & the ending." Most importantly, Jesus is the One that "loved us, and washed us from our sins in His own blood"(v5).27:49
  • 06.11.23 "The Revelation of Jesus Christ" - Revelation 1:1-3, 11:15 - This message is an intro to our new series on the Book of Revelation. Many people are drawn to it because it is about the future & the end of the world, with the return of Jesus Christ to set up His kingdom on earth. The Book also warns the world about judgments to come and reminds believers of our presence with the Lord for eternity.30:48
  • 06.04.23 "Compelling Love" - 2Cor 5:14-17, Eph 2:1, Gal 1:4, Gal 2:20 - The suffering & death of the Lord Jesus Christ shows His love for us, an immeasurable, wonderful, & amazing type of love. The love of Christ compels us to understand the truths about our salvation. Because of these truths, we should understand that we are now new creations in Christ, no longer living for ourselves but for our Savior.27:46
  • 05.28.23 "Moral & Intellectual Chaos" - Isaiah 1:4-8, 2Tim 3:1-5, Matt 5:13-16, Rom 1:16 - In Isaiah 1, Israel as a society was seriously sick spiritually. There were faithful individuals, but as a nation, Israel had turned away from God & His Word. This is much like we see today in America where spiritual decay has taken place over the past 50+ years. Remember that God is still in control of everything. Pray for our society & lost loved ones and spread the Gospel in love.41:12
  • 05.21.23 "The Biblical Basis of Missions" - Acts 13:1-5, 11:19-26 - In these passages, God sets an example in Antioch that an established church sends out missionaries to reach others for Christ. God sent someone to bring to you the message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, so we as a church should be looking for opportunities to send out missionaries to reach those beyond our reach! 33:58
  • 05.14.23 "Honor Them!" - Exodus 20:12, Eph. 6:1-3 - The purpose of Mother's Day is to honor & appreciate mothers, especially from a Biblical perspective of motherhood. Children are to obey their parents while they are under their parent's authority, just as parents are to lovingly but firmly teach their children what obedience is, especially the truth of God's Word. Accepting God's plan for the family leads to God's blessing upon us as individuals and then to society as a whole.31:24
  • 05.07.23 "Weep for Yourselves" - Luke 23:27-31, Rev 6:15-17 - As Jesus is walking to the cross, His followers are weeping for Him, but Jesus tells them to weep for their own selves. Why? Because of the sin of the world, which included their own personal sin. Jesus Christ died & rose again to forgive us of our sin. Let's be weeping & praying for the unsaved because they need Christ.30:21
  • 04.30.23 "Anxiety-the Enemy of Peace-Pt2" - Phil 4:1-7 - Today we consider the kind of anxiety that involves fear or worry which may lead to hopelessness. In verse 3, Paul asks the church to help an anxious situation between two ladies mentioned in v2. Verses 6&7 are the highlights of this passage: Be careful [anxious] for nothing, but pray to God about everything. And the peace of God will keep [protect] you from anxiety.32:23
  • 04.23.23 "Anxiety-the Enemy of Peact-Pt1" - Luke 10:38-42 - Anxiety involves fear or worry which may lead to hopelessness. But another form of anxiety involves being overburdened with legitimate cares that overwhelm us and lead to frustration, anger, & bitterness. Martha was experiencing this 2nd form of anxiety as Jesus visited her, Mary, & Lazarus' home, and Martha was burdened with providing hospitality for the household. Let's see how Jesus addressed the situation and showed Martha how she could have perfect peace. 31:18
  • 04.16.23 "The Glory of the Lord & His Gospel" - Romans 16:25-27 - This is last message in our study of the book of Romans. Paul concludes with the power of the Gospel, which saves our souls from hell and establishes us in Christ & in the joy of His fellowship. Paul wanted people to know the Gospel, and so should we!28:55
  • 04.09.23 Easter Sunday "Worthy is the Lamb" - I Cor 15:12-23, Titus 2:13-14, Rev 5:11-13, Matt 23:37 - This special Easter service has 4 mini-messages each followed by special music. See the full message titles and music titles on our Facebook page.50:46
  • 04.02.23 "The Final Event" - John 18:28-19:16 - In this event about 2,000 years ago, Jesus Christ appears before the Roman Governor Pontius Pilate, and the Jews in Jerusalem were demanding that Jesus be eliminated. The world today is demanding the same thing because many reject Christ's truth and His power & authority over sin & death. The Lord Jesus was executed, but three days later came back to life to prove that He could forgive sin and give us eternal life. Have you believed on Jesus Christ as your personal Savior?41:07
  • 03.26.23 "Warnings & Encouragements-Part 2" - Romans 16:19-24 - In this passage, the Apostle Paul says we should be wise & knowledgeable in that which is good & righteous, but very UNfamiliar with whatever is evil. We need to be aware of sin, but we don't need to study it! When we as believers let down our guard against sin, trouble will come and our testimony can be harmed. But Christian, REJOICE, for Christ will ultimately have complete victory over Satan & all sin!26:55
  • 03.19.23 "Warnings & Encouragements-Part1" - Romans 16:17-18; 2Thess 3:6, 14-15; 1Cor 5:9,11; Gal 6:1 - Paul is concerned with the spiritual well-being of the Christians in Rome and presents some warnings to churches. Satan loves to cause division because division weakens and eventually destroys all human relationships. Let's always be alert for sin, because sin left unchecked in the life of a believer or within a local church of believers will cause harm & defeat.40:55
  • 03.12.23 "In the Lord" - Romans 16:8-16, Col 3:17,23 - In this passage, Paul is expressing his love & appreciation for many of the saints that he knew and who were in Rome to build up the church. Several times, Paul greets his friends "in the Lord" or "in Christ" as a way to show the bond we share thru salvation & faith in Jesus. Everything we do should be thought of as being done "in the Lord." Christian, are you consciously living out your life "in Christ"?29:21
  • 03.05.23 "Peter's Denial of Christ" - Luke 22:54-62, 31-34; John 21:15-19 - This message involves Peter's denial of Christ during the night of Christ's arrest & trial. After the 3rd denial, the Lord Jesus looks at Peter, who was grieved with his failure and wept bitterly. We need to walk close to the Lord by spending time with Him in His Word & in prayer. And when we do fail the Lord, we can return to the Lord so that He can restore fellowship.30:58
  • 02.26.23 "Appreciate One Another" - Romans 16:1-7, John 13:34-35 - In Chapter 16, Paul takes on a very warm & personal tone as he expresses his love & deep appreciation for many saints, which he identifies by name. Do we genuinely love & appreciate other believers - all of them, or only a select few? Let's love everyone as God loves us.30:05
  • 02.19.23 "I Am Not Ashamed" - 2Tim 1:7-13, 4:2; 1Thess 5:17 - This world is rejecting God's Word openly and even attempting to shame us as Christians for holding to His truth. We need to be like Paul who said in v12, "I am not ashamed, for I know Whom I have believed." Let's combat this sinful world by testifying to others about how Jesus Christ saved us and about the truth of His Word!27:46
  • 02.12.23 "Saints Blessing Saints" - Romans 15:25-33 - Paul tells us about Gentile churches collecting gifts for the Jerusalem Christians. One of the greatest privileges for believers in local churches is to be a blessing to other believers in practical ways that meets their needs. Do you find joy in serving Jesus by serving others? Let's show our love by ministering to those around us.33:38
  • 02.05.23 "Judas' Betrayal of Christ" - Luke 22:1-6, 21-23; Zechariah 11:12-13; John 12:6; Matt 7:21-23 - The event of Judas Iscariot betraying Christ is significant because we see both the divine plan of God being fulfilled, and the results of a man who chose to reject Christ. Like Judas, some people may hear the truth of the Gospel, be involved in worship, perform Christian service, and yet in their heart they reject Christ. Be sure you've acknowledged your sin problem and accepted Jesus Christ as your Savior.36:21
  • 01.29.23 "Fully Proclaim the Gospel in the Love of Christ" - Romans 15:14-24 - In today's passage, Paul encourages believers to grow spiritually and live their lives boldly. Like Paul, we need to fully proclaim the truth of the Gospel in the love of Christ by sharing the truth about sin, the reality of hell, and everyone's need to repent & believe on Christ as their Savior.37:31
  • 01.22.23 "The Beginning of the End" - Romans 15:8-13, Ps 18:49, Deut 32:43, Ps 117:1, Isa 11:10, Rom 15:29 - Our passage is the beginning of the ending of the book of Romans. This passage begins with a review of the purpose of God to deliver the message of the Gospel to both the Jews & the Gentiles. Do you glory in the Gospel of Jesus Christ? Let's live to glorify our Lord and point people to Him.21:47
  • 01.15.23 "For My Brother's Sake" - 1Cor 10:23-33 - A Christian liberty is the spiritual freedom to do something that God's Word does not forbid and that the Holy Spirit has given us guilt-free peace in our conscience. While a certain Christian liberty may be lawful for me to exercise, it may actually be better that I don't exercise it for my brother's sake and for the sake of my testimony in my brother's eyes. Let's put other believers' preferences above our preferences in order to provide for their spiritual well-being.26:48
  • 01.08.23 "The Spirit of Our Liberty" - Romans 15:1-7; Psalm 69:9; Romans 14:14-15; 1Cor. 8:12-13 - A reminder that Christian liberties involve matters that are neither commanded nor forbidden in God's Word; they are matters of one's personal convictions whether to do or not do certain things. We need to respect each other. The spirit of our liberties should be to willingly deny ourselves the use of those liberties in order to not cause a weak believer to stumble into sin and violate his or her conscience.35:02
  • 01.01.23 "Presented But Not Yet Received" - John 12:12-19, Zechariah 9:9 - In this triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem on a donkey, the crowd took palm branches and met Him with "Hosanna, blessed is the King of Israel that cometh in the name of the Lord"(v13). This foreshadows Jesus' second coming when He returns to earth and He & His Kingdom will be fully received. No matter what 2023 may bring us, let's remember that our King is coming, so let's trust King Jesus!!!29:48

2023 Sermons

"Likewise reckon ye also yourselves to be dead indeed unto sin, but alive unto God through Jesus Christ our Lord."     - Romans 6:11

  • 10.20.24 "A Woman, a Child, and a Dragon" - Rev 12:1-9 - In v1, the woman (representing Israel) gives birth to a child, Jesus Christ. In v3, the dragon (Satan) & his demons seek to destroy Jesus. V6 is the 2nd half of the tribulation when the woman/Israel will be persecuted. Vs7-9 portray Satan's demise at the end of the Tribulation and at the 2nd coming of Christ. God wins in the end! Make sure you are on the winning side as a believer in Christ.31:14
  • 10.13.24 "The Seventh Trumpet – Thanks to God Almighty" - Rev 11:15-19, 1Cor 3:11-15, 2Cor 5:10, Rom 14:10-12, Psa 119:89 - Our passage involves the sounding of the seventh & final trumpet. It's an overview of Who God is & what He will do to permanently solve the sin problem of the world. Let's thank God for being holy & righteous and for saving your soul from eternal punishment when you believe on His Son Jesus Christ as your Savior.31:13
  • 10.06.24 "Jesus, the Divider" - Luke 12:49-56, John 15:18-19; 2Tim 3:12; Matt 5:10-12; Luke 6:22-23; Matt 16:2-3; 2Tim 3:1-5, 4:3-4; Isa 5:20 - Does the Lord Jesus Christ try to unite or divide us? The Lord does want to unite every person in salvation by faith in Him, but He knows their will be a division between saved & unsaved. The nonChristian world hates & persecutes Christians as they live in their sin & turn away from God's truth.26:09
  • 09.29.24 "The Two Witnesses – Part 3" - Mal 4:5-6; Matt 17:1-13; Luke 1:17; Heb 9:27; Gen 5:22-24; 2Kings 2:11-12; 1Cor 2:1-2; Phil 3:10; 1John 5:20-21 - What is the identity of the two witnesses mentioned in Rev 11 & Zech 4? Though not definitive, arguments can be made for Moses, Elijah, &/or Enoch. Their identities don't really matter. It only matters that God chose to use them to be witnesses of Jesus Christ and to proclaim Him to the world as the King Who will be coming very soon!37:57
  • 09.22.24 "Childlike Faith" - Mark 10:13-16; Matt 14:26-30; Eph 2:8-10, Acts 8:26-39 - Childlike faith is the idea of someone putting their complete & sincere faith & trust in someone or something. To save our souls from eternal punishment in hell, we must put childlike faith in Jesus. After salvation, baptism is a public declaration to other believers & the world that Jesus Christ is our Lord & Savior because we have believed on Him with childlike faith!35:10
  • 09.15.24 "The Two Witnesses – Part 2" - Rev 11:6-14 - God will use two special witnesses to preach the gospel during the second half of the 7-year Tribulation. The murder of the two witnesses brings joy to the unbelieving world since the world hates God & rejects salvation thru Jesus Christ. But the resurrection of the two witnesses brings great fear on God's enemies and leads many to believe on Christ & worship God.30:43
  • 09.08.24 "The Two Witnesses" - Rev 11:1-5, Zech 4:2-3, 11-14 - A unique way God will spread the gospel of Jesus Christ during the 7-year Tribulation is thru the powerful preaching of the two witnesses. God will protect these two witnesses as they preach for 1,280 days, or 42 Jewish calendar months of 30 days each, which equals 3.5 years, which is the second half of the Tribulation. God will also protect us from Satan as we serve & witness for the Lord.24:48
  • 09.01.24 "It Was All According to the Plan!" - Isa 53:5-7, Eph 1:3-4, 1Pet 1:18-20, Rom 12:1-2 - Isaiah 53 defines God's plan of salvation through the sacrificial death of Jesus Christ. God punished His own innocent Son to save our guilty souls from the penalty of sin that we deserved. Our part of the plan is to accept Jesus as our Savior, then willingly love & serve our Lord.31:18
  • 08.25.24 "The Sweet & the Bitter of God’s Truth" - Rev 10:1-11 - Today's passage takes a break from the judgments of Revelation and reminds us that Jesus Christ is coming back to earth. The message of salvation by faith in Christ is available to all. It is sweet to those who accept it & go to heaven. But to those who reject salvation & go to hell, it is very bitter.29:37
  • 08.18.24 "The Sixth Trumpet–Still No Repentance" - Rev 9:13-21 - The first 5 of 7 trumpet judgments have brought destruction & torment on the earth. With today's 6th trumpet, a third of the world's population will be killed. Surprisingly, verses 20 & 21 tell us that those who survive these supernatural events do NOT repent of their sins. The essence of man's sin nature is a heart of rebellion, which is why we as a church & as individuals need to keep proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ!29:23
  • 08.11.24 "The Fifth Trumpet-Five Months of Torture" - Rev 9:1-12 - Last week, the first 4 of 7 trumpet judgments brought catastrophic destruction on the earth. With today's 5th trumpet, Satan opens the bottomless pit releasing demons that will torment the unsaved. This is a warning to all who refuse to repent and continue to defy God & reject Jesus Christ. Satan is our enemy, but those who know Jesus as Savior do not need to fear him!30:50
  • 08.04.24 "Man of Sorrows" - Isaiah 53:1-4 - Isaiah 53 is an incredible prophecy of Christ's life when He came into this world & died upon the cross for our sins. This chapter has changed the lives of so many people by leading them to Jesus Christ as their personal Savior. The Lord Jesus is a Man of Sorrows because the world despises & rejects Him, because of the grief of carrying our sin, and because God the Father afflicted His Son by putting on Him all of the punishment that we deserved.32:59
  • 07.28.24 "The First Four Trumpets-Devastation Upon Creation" - Rev 8:7-13 - After looking at the seal judgments, the 7th & final seal actually contains a new set of judgments called the 7 trumpets. The first 4 trumpet judgments bring catastrophic destruction on the earth. God's grace always precedes His wrath & judgment upon those who choose to remain unrepentant & rebellious against Him. Salvation is available to all by faith in Jesus.38:58
  • 07.21.24 "The Seventh Seal -The Trumpet Judgments" - Rev 8:1-6 - We previously looked at the first 6 seal judgments. The 7th & final seal actually contains a new set of judgments called the 7 trumpets. In today's passage, we see 7 angels given the 7 trumpets, but we also see the value God places on our prayers as they rise up to Him. Is your prayer life a time of sweet worship & fellowship with your Lord?31:33
  • 07.14.24 "Martyred Saints from the Great Tribulation" - Rev 7:9-17 - This passage looks at those Christians who were killed for their faith during the Great Tribulation, which is the second half of the 7-year Tribulation. They worship God in heaven and praise Him saying, "Blessing & glory & wisdom & thanksgiving & honor & power & might be unto our God forever & ever"(v12). We likewise should praise the Lord with such enthusiasm!32:59
  • 07.07.24 "Destitute, Desperate, & Delivered" - Luke 18:35-43, Eph 2:8-10 - The blind man in this passage was in a destitute (hopeless) condition both spiritually & physically. As Jesus passed by, the blind man desperately cried out to the 'Son of David' to heal him. The blind man puts his faith in Jesus, Who delivers him from his sin condition & blindness. Like the blind man, put your faith in Jesus and serve Him by testifying to others of His grace that saved you.34:20
  • 06.30.24 "The 144,000 Jewish Believers-Part 2" - Rev 7:5-8, 14:1-5 - These passages focus on the 144,000 believers that represent the 12 tribes of Israel. God will not forsake Israel or replace it with the Church. When we enter Christ's literal kingdom when He comes, Israel will not only be among the nations but the leader of all nations with Jesus as King!34:02
  • 06.16.24 "The Divine Example of Fatherhood" - Psalm 103:1-14 - The Biblical concept of fatherhood (& motherhood) is quickly fading away in our culture. Psalm 103 gives us examples of godly fatherhood portrayed by our Heavenly Father. As a loving Father, God forgives us of our wrongs, provides spiritual nourishment for our souls, upholds righteousness & justice for His children, disciplines us but is merciful & slow to anger, and understands our spiritual weaknesses.33:18
  • 06.09.24 "The Sixth Seal-The Insane Rejection of the Savior” - Rev 6:12-17 - V12-14 describe the supernatural, catastrophic judgment of God upon the sinful, unbelieving world which will take place during the 2nd half of the Tribulation. V15-17 describe the insane rejection of Jesus Christ and God's wrath upon the unbeliever. Man in his sin chooses to reject God in spite of God's offer of grace & salvation through His Son.33:56
  • 06.02.24 "The Shepherd's Heart" - Psalm 23:1-6, John 10:11,27 - Jesus is our Great Shepherd Who: v1-2 provides everything we need spiritually, physically, mentally & emotionally; v3-4 comforts our souls and leads us on the right path; and v5-6 provides spiritual victory over our enemies.33:16
  • 05.26.24 "Soldiers of the Cross" - 2 Timothy 2:1-5, Rom 12:1-2 - This Memorial Day we remember our soldiers who gave their lives for our country & freedoms. As a church, we also remember the sacrifice of Jesus Christ for our salvation. As soldiers of the cross, we should be 1) dedicated to the Lord, 2) determined to live for the Lord, and 3) disciplined & prepared for battle in the strength & wisdom of the Lord!27:52
  • 05.19.24 "The Fifth Seal–a Plea for Righteous Vengeance” - Rev 6:9-11 - With the 1st four seals bringing false peace, war, famine, & plagues, the 5th seal is a plea from believers who gave up their lives for testifying of their faith in Jesus Christ. They want God to judge the wicked who persecuted & murdered these saints. While God must judge sin and bring about a just punishment, He provides salvation to all those that repent of their sin and accept Jesus as Savior.29:10
  • 05.12.24 "How to Make a Good Mother" - Col 3:17-21, Eph 5:25-33 - Good parenting starts with a good marriage. Husbands are to love their wives and provide leadership in the family, which starts with loving & obeying the Lord & His Word. A loving marriage is the key to a happy home, producing a happy wife and mother!28:01
  • 05.05.24 "The Shed Blood and the Remission of Sin" - Matt 26:28; Rom 3:25; Heb 9:22; Rom 5:1-2 - The Gospel of Jesus Christ is the good news of salvation. Each person has a sin problem that condemns us to eternity in hell. The only way to be saved from that condemnation is to believe on Jesus Christ's death, burial, & resurrection and receive His free gift of salvation by grace thru faith.30:24
  • 04.28.24 "The Third & Fourth Seals–Famine & Death” - Rev 6:5-8, Lam 5:9-10 - After looking at the 1st & 2nd seals that bring false peace and war, the 3rd seal is a judgment of famine, while the 4th seal will kill a quarter of the earth's population by warfare, famine, & plagues. "How shall we escape if we neglect so great a salvation?"(Heb 2:3). Those who believe on Jesus Christ for salvation will indeed escape the wrath of God during the Tribulation and will not suffer the wrath of God in hell for eternity!30:17
  • 04.21.24 "The Second Seal–Worldwide War” - Rev 6:3-4; Dan 8:24-25, 11:36-45; Matt 24:4-7; John 14:27 - Last week, we looked at the 1st seal where the God-hating antichrist brought a worldwide false peace. In today's look at the 2nd seal, the antichrist on the red horse will bring worldwide murder & mayhem. Let's remember that only Jesus Christ can bring true peace thru salvation in Himself. At the end of time, the Lord will defeat Satan & the antichrist and establish worldwide peace.29:36
  • 04.14.24 "The Tribulation Begins–the First Seal” - Rev 6:1-2, Isaiah 34:1-4, Jer 30:7 - This message looks at the 1st of 7 seals that represent all of the judgments & wrath of God coming upon the world during the 7-year Tribulation. The rider on the white horse is the antichrist who will conquer the world by deceit & threats but not with bloodshed. Let's use this knowledge of the end times to warn unbelievers of the coming suffering and compel them to believe on Jesus Christ as their Savior.39:42
  • 04.07.24 "The Joyful Sound" - Psalm 89:15-18 - "Blessed is the people that know the joyful sound"(v15). That joy is the Gospel, which is the "good news" that God loved us & sent His Son Jesus to save us from our sins thru His death, burial & resurrection. Thank God for your salvation, for opportunities to spread the Gospel to others, and for His promises in the Bible!24:48
  • 03.31.24 EASTER "The Living Lamb of God" - John 1:29, Revelation 5:8-14 - The Lord Jesus Christ paid a debt He did not owe, because we had a debt we could not pay! We are sinners that can only be saved by confessing our sin and believing in Jesus' death, burial, & resurrection. Put your faith in the living Lamb of God today!35:09
  • 03.24.24 "Worthy Is the Lamb That Was Slain! - Revelation 5:1-7, 2Cor4:4, Dan 7:13-14 - In this scene in heaven, God the Father has a book, and John "wept much, because no man was found worthy to open and to read the book"(v4). Then Jesus, the Lion & the Lamb, appears and He is worthy to take the book from God the Father. Let's worship the Lord Jesus Christ, our God & Savior Who has all power & authority to save souls and to take back His rightful ownership of the world!34:12
  • 03.10.24 "After This” - Revelation 4:1-5 - Chapter 4 begins the study of what the book of Revelation is really about, which is future end-time events. Let's look at the pre-tribulation rapture and John's vision of heaven after he was transported there in the spirit. As we are reminded that God is the ultimate power & judge over all, let's worship & serve Him and tell others how to prepare for eternity.35:33
  • 03.03.24 "The God of New Beginnings" - Isaiah 43:18-20, 2Cor 5:17, Rev 21:1-6 - As a God of new beginnings, God allows many 'firsts' in our lives, like being born, getting a driver's license, getting married, and becoming a parent. But the greatest of all new beginnings is God's miraculous provision of salvation by grace thru faith in Jesus Christ!25:26
  • 02.25.24 "Is Your Lord Still Knocking?” - Revelation 3:20-22; 1John 5:1,4,5; James 4:8,10 - In His conclusion to the seven churches, Jesus Christ is knocking on the door of your heart and He wants to fellowship with you. If you're not saved, He wants you to accept Him as Savior. Once you are saved, the Lord wants you to make Him & His Word the center of your life. God is knocking today. DO NOT DELAY! Pray! 34:42
  • 02.18.24 "Laodicea: The Church at Rock Bottom-Pt 2” - Rev 3:17-19 - Continuing His rebuke to the church at Laodicea, the Lord Jesus compares their gold/their worldly riches to His gold, to His white raiment, to His eye salve. God wants each of us to accept His riches, which is the salvation that only He can provide thru Jesus Christ. Salvation cannot be bought, only received by faith in Jesus.30:01
  • 02.11.24 "Laodicea: The Church at Rock Bottom” - Revelation 3:14-17, Matt 7:21-23 - Jesus Christ's final church letter, to Laodicea, is full of rebuke and no commendation. The Lord does not want "lukewarm" believers or churches, meaning occasionally acting like a Christian, but never genuinely receiving Christ. God wants you on fire for Him by living for Him & always obeying His Word.31:25
  • 02.04.24 "The Approved Atonement for Sin" - Hebrews 9:11-12, 24-28; 10:4-5; John 20:15-17; Matt 28:9-10; Rom 5:11 - The central message of the Bible is Jesus Christ & the atonement, which is Jesus being the perfect payment to forgive our sin. There is no other sacrifice for sin that can save your soul! Have you put your faith in Christ's atonement for you?30:10
  • 01.28.24 "What to Do When You Have Reached Your Limit” - Isaiah 40:28-31; John 15:5; Rom 8:28; Phil 4:13, 19-20 - Isaiah 40:28 & 31 "The everlasting God, the Lord, the Creator of the ends of the earth, fainteth not, neither is weary. But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength." When you think you can no longer go on through a difficult trial, look to Jesus Christ Who longs to carry you through. Expectantly wait for Him to provide His strength, His wisdom, & His guidance in your situation.34:05
  • 01.21.24 "Trusting God as Our Creator and Our Lord-Part 2" - Genesis 22:1-12, Psalm 36:7, Deut 31:8, Rom 8:28 - Last week we considered the importance of trusting God as our Creator Who has the power & authority to heal anyone of anything. In our passage, Abraham trusted the God of creation to also be his Lord & Master, and therefore Abraham trusted his Lord's will and the final outcome of this great test. If we really trust God as our Lord & Master, then we can also trust His will no matter what His will may be for us or for our loved ones.29:47
  • 01.14.24 "Trusting God as Our Creator & Our Lord" - Gen 1:1, Isa 45:12, Mark 4:35-41, Luke 5:12 - When God allows a tremendous trial to enter our lives, and we don't know what the final outcome will be, we often begin to question God. Because God has all power & authority over His creation, I can trust Him as my Creator to resolve my trial, including healing anyone of anything!23:56
  • 01.07.24 "The Cry of the Afflicted" - Psalm 22:22-25 - The previous 21 verses were David's cry of affliction, but in this passage, David begins to praise the Lord. Jesus Christ was afflicted as He suffered & died on the cross for us so that He could deliver us from the affliction of our sin. As we cry out to God when facing other afflictions in life, God hears our cries, and while He may not deliver you FROM affliction, He will always deliver you THROUGH affliction. God will comfort & carry you through!27:15

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Copyright © 2018 Bethel Baptist Church, Pataskala, OH. All rights reserved.


2022 Sermons

​​7161 Beecher Road SW

Pataskala, OH 43062


Listen to Bible-centered messages from our Sunday services by Pastor Dan Moore and occasional guest speakers.

Our studies of God's Word will help you grow in your relationship with Jesus Christ, and if you don't yet have a relationship with Jesus, NOW IS THE TIME!  We are all sinners in need of a Saviour.  Click here to learn more about the Gospel.

  • 12.18.22 "The Promise of Peace" - Luke 2:13-14, Heb 7:25, 2Pet 3:9, Ezek 36:36 - Announcing Christ's birth, the angels tell the shepherds "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill toward men" (Luke 2:14). True peace comes when we believe on Jesus Christ as our personal Savior.26:53
  • 12.11.22 "God Incarnate” - John 1:14-15; Galatians 4:4-5; Isaiah 9:6, 7:14; Micah 5:2 - During this time of year when we celebrate Christ's birth, we need to focus on more than His humanity. This world, even some who call themselves Christian, reject the truth that Jesus was, is, and always has been God. Isaiah 9:6 says that Jesus is our "Wonderful, Counsellor, the might God, the everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace", and He is our Redeemer, the only One Who can save us from our sin.27:34
  • 12.04.22 "Anointed for Burial" - John 12:1-11; Luke 9:22, 44-45 - Our passage records one of the greatest acts of worship, with Mary of Bethany anointing Jesus with costly ointment in preparation for His upcoming crucifixion and burial. We are reminded that worship always involves faith, adoration, & sacrifice.29:36
  • 11.27.22 "Thank You, Lord, for the Storms” - Psalm 103:1-2, Eph 5:18-20, 1Thess 5:18 - God has commanded us to be thankful for all of His blessings in our past. While it is easy to be thankful for God's blessing, what are we to do with those things in our past that were difficult, painful, & even heartbreaking? Paul tells us to give "thanks always for all things unto God" and "in every things give thanks". God is not asking us to be thankful for the storms of life, but for the opportunity to trust God through that storm and for the blessings that came as a result of God bringing us through that difficult time.29:36
  • 11.20.22 "Thankfulness – Past, Present, and Future” - Psalm 103:1-14,17, Ps 37:4 - This great psalm of praise & worship gives detail about who God is, what He has done for us, and how wonderful He is to our soul. Another blessing is the fact that we should be thankful for what God has done for us in the past, what He is doing for us now in the present, and what He said He will do for us in the future. "The mercy of the Lord is from everlasting to everlasting upon them that fear Him, and His righteousness unto children's children"(v17). Bless the Lord, oh my soul!!!34:25
  • 11.13.22 "Life, Death, and Eternity" - 1Cor 15:51-57, 1Thes 4:13-18, John 14:6 - God put a conscience into us that tells us we exist and that there is a moral sense of right & wrong. Our conscience also prompts us to ask "Where did I come from, where am I going, & is there life after death?" Only putting our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ gives the joy of salvation that leads us to fear nothing about life or death or entering eternity.28:04
  • 11.06.22 "The Deniers Have a Dilemma!" - John 11:47-53 - Unbelief & denial of God's truth always leads eventually to total spiritual blindness & absurdity. In our passage, it's just before Christ's crucifixion, and the religious leaders totally denied Jesus as being the Son of God & rejected Him as the Messiah. Their desire was "that one man should die for the people"(v50). Jesus Christ did die, but then thankfully He rose from the dead to provide salvation for all people who put their faith in Christ.30:28
  • 10.30.22 "With Liberty, Comes Responsibility" - Romans 14:14-23 - We need to use our Christian liberties in a responsible way. Those that have a liberty in the clear conscience of their heart may use that liberty and be happy for it. But in certain circumstances, it may be best to exercise restraint for the sake of another brother or sister in Christ. Are we edifying others, or are we causing confusion & division by misusing our liberties?36:19
  • 10.23.22 "The Lordship of Christ" - Romans 14:4-13 - The Apostle Paul continues teaching us about how we should deal with differences we may have as believers concerning issues that are not specifically mentioned in God's Word. He also introduces the truth about the Lordship of Christ in the life of the believer. We need to live our lives unto our Lord and for His glory in everything we do, say, & think, and we answer only to Him and not others.40:38
  • 10.16.22 "What God’s Word Says About Christian Liberties” - Romans 14:1-3 - In reviewing last week, Christian liberties involve matters that are neither commanded or forbidden in God's Word. They are matters of one's personal convictions whether to do or not do certain things. We look at the following passages: Romans 14:4-23, 15:1-3; I Cor 8:1-13, 10:23-33. Christians have various convictions & preferences regarding Christian liberty issues, but we need to be unified in the major doctrines of the faith.35:17
  • 10.09.22 "Questionable Things & Useless Debates" - Romans 14:1 - Christian liberties involve matters that are not specifically commanded or forbidden in God's Word. They are matters of one's personal convictions whether to do or not do certain things. Paul's ultimate concern is for the unity of the believers in the church, no matter our personal choices. Next week we will look at the following passages: Romans 14:1-23, 15:1-3; I Cor 8:1-13, 10:23-33.38:11
  • 10.02.22 "From Death Unto Life - Part 2" - John 11:30-46, John 5:24, Eph 2:1 - This is Part 2 of the Communion Series "Major Events Leading Up to the Cross." Lazarus has died and Jesus arrives to bring him back to life. This great miracle of Jesus was witnessed by many people and could not be denied. Like Lazarus' sister Mary, we need to trust in Jesus to assist in our trials and sorrow. Jesus wept over Lazarus because He loved him, and Jesus ultimately showed love to the whole world by providing salvation through His death, burial, & resurrection.39:22
  • 09.25.22 "Do This - Not That" - Romans 13:11-14 - The Apostle Paul urges us to live out our salvation and tells us how. Verse 13 says to "walk honestly", and "not in rioting and drunkenness...not in strife and envying". We need to "put on the Lord Jesus Christ"(v14), which means to live a Godly lifestyle, so that we will be a blessing to others and bring glory to God.34:18
  • 09.18.22 "Living Under the Law of Love" - Romans 13:8-10, John 13:34-35, 1Peter 1:22-23 - Genuine faith in Christ for our salvation results in a genuine love for Christ, which then results in a genuine love for others.33:34
  • 09.11.22 "Simeon & Anna Praise Baby Jesus" - Luke 2:21-38, 1John 5:11-12, 1Cor 15:54b-55 - After the birth of Jesus, two folks in Jerusalem praise God for the new born Savior. Simeon was ready to "depart in peace"(v29) because he had "seen Thy salvation"(v30) and proclaims Jesus will be a light to the Gentiles & Israel (v32). Anna "served God...night & day"(v37) and "gave thanks likewise unto the Lord, and spake of Him to all them that looked for redemption in Jerusalem"(v38).22:22
  • 09.04.22 "God is My Light and Salvation" - Psalm 27:1-14, Ps 119:105, 2Cor 4:6, Hebr 13:5-6, Ps 3:6, 1John 4:4, Ps 51:12 - David's sins are well documented in Scripture, but he was also a man after God's own heart. In Psalm 27, David encourages us to not fear because "the Lord is my light and my salvation" and "the Lord is the strength of my life"(v1). As we "wait on the Lord", let's "be of good courage" as we allow the Lord to "strengthen [our] heart"(v14).25:28
  • 08.28.22 "God and Government" - Romans 13:1-7, Gen 9:6, 1Peter 2:13-15, 1Tim 2:1-4 - How do you feel about government? God established government & its authority in Gen 9:6 and "the powers that be are ordained of God" (Rom 13:1). Even if we see corruption in government, we must pray for and have a right spirit of submission to God-ordained government, but we don't have to support that which is evil in government.38:50
  • 08.21.22 "Judge, Jury, & Executioner" - Romans 12:17-21; Matt 5:38-40,43-45; Prov 25:21-22; Eph 4:32 - When someone wrongs you or opposes you, do you want to take revenge or get even? The Apostle Paul shows us a better way so we can "overcome evil with good" (Rom 12:21). "Be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you" (Eph 4:32).36:48
  • 08.14.21 "God is Love" - I John 4:7-21; John 3:16; ICor 8:3; ICor 13:1-3; Eph 4:32; Romans 12:10; ICor 13:4-6; ICor 5:1-2; ICor 13:7-8,13; Rom 8:38-39 - "Beloved, let us love one another, for love is of God" says I John 4:7. God is love and sent His Son Jesus to provide salvation. After we accept the Lord Jesus as Savior, God loves others through us.31:53
  • 08.07.22 "From Death Unto Life" - John 11:1-29 - This is Part 1 of the Communion Series "Major Events Leading Up to the Cross." Lazarus has died and his sister Martha questions Jesus why He didn't arriver sooner to help Lazarus. To comfort her, Jesus says "I am the resurrection and the life. Whosoever liveth and believeth in Me shall never die. Believest thou this?"(v25-26). Have you believed?!?!36:37
  • 07.31.22 "The Common Grace in Every Believer" - Romans 12:9-16, Matt 5:43-44 - Last week we learned about spiritual gifts that God gives to every believer. God also gives common graces to each Christian to use in life thru the power of the Holy Spirit. Our lifestyle should be to love, to do good, to be kind, to work hard, to serve the Lord, to rejoice, to pray, and to give.40:14
  • 07.24.22 "God's Gift of Grace for Every Believer" - Romans 12:6-8 - God has blessed each of us with talents that lead to gifts we use to serve the church to glorify God. Seven such gifts are covered in this Romans passage. The Church of Jesus Christ functions best on the local level when there is a diversity of gifts and a unity of hearts among the believers.40:41
  • 07.17.22 "Humility is God's Grace in You" - Romans 12:3-5 - True humility is thinking soberly with a sound mind which involves self-control over our thoughts, attitudes, words, emotions, and actions. Humility is the beginning of the flow of God's grace in you as it flows out to bless others. We cannot serve the Lord in a useful way by holding on to pride. Do you want the world to see you? Let the world see Jesus through you!35:44
  • 07.10.22 "The Obvious Conclusion" - Matthew 27:54, John 10:18 - This message summarizes and concludes the events following Jesus' death on the cross. The greatest event was Christ's resurrection that proved His power & authority over sin and death and hell. Do you believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, and is He your living Savior?25:04
  • 07.03.22 "Wordly Wisdom vs True Wisdom" - James 3:13-18, 1Cor 14:27-33, Prov 3:17, Matt 5:9 - Wordly 'wisdom' is full of "envy and strife" and "confusion and every evil work"(v16). "But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, and easy to entreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrisy"(v17). The best wisdom is personal knowledge that Jesus Christ saves us from our sin.26:04
  • 06.26.22 "A Rewired Mind" - Romans 12:2, 1John 2:15-17, 2Cor 5:17 - Romans 12:2 offers two commands: 1) Do not be conformed to the world. 2) Be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Have you let Jesus Christ rewire your mind? Read your Bible, pray, and let God have His way.30:21
  • 06.19.22 "A Living Sacrifice" - Romans 12:1, Rom 6:11-13, Col 3:5-10, 1Cor 6:19-20 - Today we transition from the first 11 chapters of Romans, which highlight salvation by grace thru Jesus Christ, to the remaining chapters that highlight the believer's life in Christ and how we as believers should gladly live it out according to His will. In this message, we learn that we Christians should be a living sacrifice, giving Christ complete control over every aspect of our life.37:17
  • 06.12.22 "God's Touch Through You" - Matthew 8:1-4, Luke 10:30-37, Jude 22-23 - Jesus encounters a man with the hideous disease of leprosy. The leper asks for and receives healing from Jesus. As we encounter unlovely people, let's have compassion and try to meet their needs as best we can, especially any spiritual needs such as salvation.36:27
  • 06.05.22 "Because He Lives, We Live!" - Matthew 27:51-53, Luke 23:43, 2Cor 5:8, Eph 4:8, 1Cor 15:20 - After Jesus' death and resurrection, the bodies of many dead saints appeared in Jerusalem. The resurrection of these saints points to the fact and power of Christ's resurrection to save us and cause us to look forward to our own resurrection after our demise. Let's live in the joy of this truth and live our life for Jesus!26:10
  • 05.29.22 "Reaching the Wretched" - Luke 19:5, 2 Chronicles 33:1-16, I Cor 6:9-11 - King Manasseh was an evil leader who set up idols to other gods in Jerusalem, including in God's Holy Temple. God judges Manasseh and he is captured by another nation. Let's see how Manasseh repents and returns to worship the one true God. Do you know a wretched "Manasseh"? How can you reach that one for Christ?25:13
  • 05.22.22 "The Savior and the Sinner" - Jeremiah 17:9, I Cor 6:9-11, Luke 19:1-10 - We start a short series, "Loving the Unlovely", that acknowledges we live in an unlovely world filled with unlovely people. Zacchaeus the corrupt tax collector represents the type of sinful people we might meet everyday. Let's see how Jesus' personal interaction with this sinner leads to repentance and salvation.37:17
  • 05.15.22 "Beyond Our Comprehension" - Romans 11:26-36, Isaiah 55:8-9, Colossians 1:16-19 - Today concludes our study of the first 11 chapters of Romans that focus on the doctrine of salvation by grace and how God has brought the good news of that salvation to both Israel and the Gentiles. The final four verses (33-36) are a doxology, or a great declaration of praise for who God is and what He has done. Praise Almighty God that He knows us personally and has drawn us to His salvation through Jesus.33:08
  • 05.08.22 "The Domestic Administrator" - Proverbs 31:25-31 - Proverbs 31 describes the "virtuous woman"(v10) who is the best example of a wife and mother. From verses 25-31, she has strength, honor, wisdom, kindness, and fear of the Lord. "Her children arise up, and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praiseth her"(v28).36:41
  • 05.01.22 "It Was Quite a Quake" - Matthew 27:51b, Ex 19:18, IISam 22:8, Ps 77:18, IKings 19:11-12, Isa 29:6, Rev 6:12-17, Psalm 16:8, 46:1-2, 55:22, 62:6, 66:8-9 - The earthquake after Jesus' death was a supernatural event to emphasize the importance of the act. God has used similar supernatural events throughout history as a display of His power, authority, and judgment. Because of the cross and empty tomb, we should not be shaken in this life if we are firmly anchored to the Rock, Jesus Christ.34:34
  • 04.24.22 "A Word of Wisdom to the Gentiles" - Romans 11:13-26 - The Apostle Paul speaks to the Gentiles because the Jews & Israel have rejected God's grace in Christ. The metaphor of the olive tree represents Israel and righteousness obtained thru salvation in Jesus. The old, unbelieving branches of the Jews are being cut off the olive tree, while the new, believing branches of the Gentiles are being grafted into the olive tree.32:17
  • 04.17.22 "Sorrow & Joy" - I John 3:1 - This special Easter service has 4 mini-messages each followed by special music. See the full descriptions of the messages, Bible references, and music titles on our Facebook page.37:08
  • 04.10.22 "This is the Day!" Psalm 118:21-24 - The religious leaders questioned Jesus' authority and rejected Him as God. But "the stone which the builders refused is become the head stone of the corner"(v22). Jesus is the foundation of Christianity and His death, burial, & resurrection is the chief cornerstone in the building of His Church. "This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it"(v24). Praise the Lord for His salvation!26:39
  • 04.03.22 "Torn in Two - Part 2" - Hebrews 10:19-25 - What was the result of Jesus' death and the tearing of the temple veil? We now have direct access to Jesus for worship and a saving relationship. "Let us draw near...in full assurance of faith"(v22). "Let us hold fast the profession of our faith"(v23). "Let us consider one another"(v24).38:25
  • 03.27.22 "Israel in the Big Scheme of Things" - Romans 11:1-12, Isaiah 29:10, Psalm 69:22-23 - Has the church replaced the nation of Israel as God's chosen people? In verse 1 Paul says, "Hath God cast away His people? God forbid." While the Gentiles (non Jews) are coming to Jesus for salvation, God still loves His chosen people the Israelites and wants them saved as well.34:47
  • 03.20.22 "The Gospel of Peace to the World" - Romans 10:14-21 - No one is saved apart from God's Word. No emotion, no feeling, no good work will save you. Salvation comes from faith in Jesus Christ, and "faith cometh by hearing, and hearing from the word of God"(v17). All Christians then need to "preach the gospel of peace"(v15).36:38
  • 03.13.22 "The Moment of Salvation" - Romans 10:9-13, Acts 16:27-31, I Cor 15:1-4 - John 3:16 and these Romans 10 verses are two of the great Bible passages that lead to the moment of salvation. "That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised Him from the dead, thou shalt be saved"(v9). "For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved"(v13). Confess your sin, accept Jesus as Savior, and be saved!34:29
  • 03.06.22 "Torn in Two" - Matthew 27:51-54 - We are looking at events immediately after Jesus' death on the cross. The veil in the temple in Jerusalem separated the priests from the "Holy of Holies" where God dwelt. After the veil tore in two, Jesus death & resurrection provided free access to God & Heaven for those who confess their sin and accept Jesus as Savior.27:56
  • 02.20.22 "Salvation is all About Faith" - Romans 9:30-33 - What is the object of your faith? The Gentiles did not know about or follow God's law, but they obtained righteousness by faith in Jesus Christ. The Jewish people followed God's law and thought they were righteous, but such good works do not save you. We all need to obey God's law, but salvation only comes by putting your faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.33:31
  • 02.13.22 "The Salvation of a Nation - Part 2" - Hosea 1:2-9; Romans 9:25-29; Hosea 2:23; Isaiah 10:20-23, 1:9; Hosea 3:1-5 - Romans 9:27 says "Though the number of the children of Israel be as the sand of the sea, a remnant shall be saved." The nation of Israel as a whole has strayed from the Lord, but in the end times during the Tribulation, a group of Jews will accept Jesus Christ as Savior.33:08
  • 01.16.22 "For the Purpose of God" - Romans 9:9-24, Romans 8:28, James 1:18 - This is a difficult passage that shows God's sovereign will in establishing the nation of Israel. God's is righteous and has His purpose for everything. We should praise Him for His mercy and compassion.38:23
  • 01.09.22 "The Completion of God's Greatest Work" - John 19:30, I Cor 15:54-57, Eph 1:4-7 - #6 of 7 Sayings Jesus spoke on the Cross. With His work on the cross completed, Jesus cries "It is finished", bows His head, and dies. Jesus was declaring the completion of His plan of redemption. He paid the penalty for all our sin so that anyone can have a relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ when we put our faith and trust in Him.27:47
  • 01.02.22 "Salt & Light" - Matt 5:13-16, Numbers 18:19, Mark 9:49-50, Col 4:6, Ezekiel 16:4, Prov 4:18, Philip 2:15, I Peter 2:12, John 15:8 - In this portion of Jesus' Sermon on the Mount, the Lord reminds us that we Christians are salt and light. We season and preserve and reveal God's truth and salvation to an unsaved world. "Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven" (Matt 5:16).24:09